How to remove property from React state object in Next.js

Cover Image for How to remove property from React state object in Next.js
Ali Bentaleb

In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to remove a property from a react state object in Next.js project

The final results will look like the same as in this link

Add property to react state object

We need first to add a property to our react state object

to do it, you need to set up your next.js project then create a test.js page under pages folder

the content will be like

import {useState} from 'react';
export default function Test() {
	const [filter, setFilter] = useState({});
	const [obj, setObj] = useState();

	return (
		<div className="flex flex-col gap-4">
				<label>Property name</label>
					onChange={(e) => setObj({...obj, tag:})}
				<label>Property value</label>
					onChange={(e) => setObj({...obj, value:})}
			<div className="flex justify-center">
					className="bg-black text-white rounded-md p-1"
					onClick={() => {
						setFilter((current) => {
							current[obj['tag']] = obj.value;
							return {...current};
					Add property

Using the above code, we are able to add properties dynamically to our react state filter object

Now let’s see how to delete a property

Delete property from react state

To delete a property from a react state, either

  • Use the rest parameters, destructure our React state and keep only what we need like below

const [obj,setObj]=useState()

setObj(current => {
const {,propToDelete}=current
return rest


  • Or we can use the delete operator provided by javascript to delete a specific property from an object

The code will look like

const [obj, setObj] = useState();

setObj((current) => {
	const {} = current;
	delete rest[propertyTodelete];
	return rest;

Our final code will look like

import {useState} from 'react';

export default function Test() {
	const [filter, setFilter] = useState({age: 30, name: 'ali'});
	const [obj, setObj] = useState();
	return (
			<label>Property name</label>
				onChange={(e) => setObj({...obj, tag:})}
				className="bg-black text-white rounded-md p-1"
				onClick={() => {
					setFilter((current) => {
						const {...temp} = current;
						delete temp[obj['tag']];
						return temp;
				Delete property

To run it, copy it and paste it in a test.js file under pages folder and run http://localhost:3000/test

Now in the input field, type age for example and click on delete property, and the property will be gone

You can test the behavior in this link as well


We have seen how to remove property from a react satate object in next.js using the rest parameters or using the delete operator provided by javascript